Sin (definition)

Thought Uncommon


The Last Organon of Shivastus Solomonicus

Sin means to miss the mark.  Let us never conflate or connotate any other meaning.   One does not start by hitting the mark, and their is no shame in missing the mark.  Even in science we have ad hoc.  Their is only shame in not improving, not learning from our mistakes.  Everything is not known to a child, they must learn everything all over again.  This is why in the Zed everything must be allowed for the sake of experiment.  It might be known, and it might be true, but it is not known to the novitiate and they must have the right to prove it to themselves.  As a society increases the number of taboos, understanding is diminished and society stupefied.  Everybody must be free to test the sciences and the received knowledge and the mandates from the structures of authority.  If…

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Why do these buddhas and monks sit for years silently contemplating nature? It is because of the finite capacity of the human minds that requires this return to meditation on the phenomenon in the world. The epiphany of NATURE in its suchness, in it’s isness is the goal of enlightenment. Understanding what is happening and why. Knowing what is illusion and what is real.  What requires action and what doesn’t. What is necessary and what isn’t. 

In the ZED tradition, this is why we emphasize EPANASUNDESI, the returning with intense interest and curiosity to relationships, books, nature and relationship as an object of contemplation. Returning to those subjects that behoove us, that benefit us, that feed our souls, that make us wise.  Staying in relationship with the real the true and the good.  It is as though you are driving along a road and there is a very high fence, and there are slats in the fence, and as you observe you realize that there is a beautiful mansion on the other side of the fence.  If you look just right you start to get a picture of the mansion but you have to change the way you look because the fence is in the way and you can only get so much light from each slat that gives you a glimpse, but as you remember and pay attention you can compensate for it. the fence is the mind and the body, the mansion is understanding and wisdom.


Praxis of the Rational

I promise to myself that I will never stop learning or growing being interested, curious, questioning, questing.  I will love the real and the true, no matter what it is.  I will admit when I am wrong and correct myself happily.  Because all knowledge is self knowledge, to have accurate knowledge is to know myself.  To reject truth is to hate reality and avoid myself.  If I cling to the untrue, the illogical, unreasoned, I hate my true self.  If I am not growing and not learning then I am already dead.  I will slay that which is deluded in me by learning what is true.

I will stay in real-ationship.  “Epanasundesi” I realize that the walking on the path is the destination.  I will not think about a desired destination.  That destination is becoming and I have already arrived.  If I realize that I have stepped foot off the path, the praxis of the rational, I will make amends and return to my path that I have set before myself.  Not out of guilt or shame but a returning to the analytical, the rational.  I will reciprocate good for good.  I will not be distracted from those relationships that support me and help me, that create value.  I will not take from those relationships and squander resources on relationships that do not pay me back.

I will not engage in strategic behavior to manipulate a desired outcome.  I will speak plainly and my words will reflect my accurate thoughts, emotions and actions.  I will speak my truth boldly “Parr Hesia”  I will remember that there are 3 hidden subjects, my experience of reality, your experience of reality and reality itself.  I will not judge tacitly from analogy thinking that I must contend over experiences of reality, I do not choose what is good for others, they do no choose what is good for me.  My resources do my will as long as they do not affect the resources of others.  Combined resources do combined will, but at the same time remain the property of the persons that earned them.

I will not be tyrannical, arbitrary, or inconsistent.  I understand that all valid philosophies pose a meritocracy of some sort so that the individuals can move around freely.  I understand that I must remain consistently rational in order to be considered rational.  That I must know myself and represent myself accurately.  Even when the lights are off and no one is watching I still remain loyal to my own philosophy for myself which I will not conceal from others for the sake of personal gain.  I will be known as I am and I will know others accurately as they are.  We are equal under reason.

I have taken this burden on myself to make the world a better place, one that I want to live in.  I own all wisdom by having the ability to understand it and apply it.  All best processes belong to me through this faculty.  In order to live in a rational world the people in it have to be rational.  I recognize the authority of reason and reason alone.  The law was not made by man, but the laws that govern success in relationship are preexisting and immutable.  If I want to live in a rational world, I must behave rationally in rational relationship in rational environments.

I am a citizen of the world.

By Shivastus Solomonicus



In EQUITY IN HUMAN RELATIONSHIP THEORY we examine processes created by people’s judgments. The way in which people make judgments. The fact that people make judgments means that they believe that judging is valid. Which means that if they judge it is okay to judge them and everybody judges. 

Interestingly, if one isn’t aware of the logical fallacies and how the brain works and how language works and human psychology and philosophy, one’s judgments are skewed. Their judgments come from the way they think the world works or how it should works. It is informed by their soul, I am not speaking spiritually, Aristotle said that the soul, “is in a way, phenomenon.” Which is to say the objects in the world that one is aware of. but since the mind is divorced from the world, and we know it is because we cannot move objects with our minds, the relationship between the objects is also a phenomenon and is informed by our soul. People’s judgments, however, do not take into consideration that their mind is not the world. People presuppose their own authority and correctness and judge what is good for others and what should make others happy. Their judgments always end in a desirable result for themselves, slanting the playing field in their favor.

Unfortunately, crazy people are still self interested. It seems counter-intuitive but the dumber a person is the more likely they are to be constantly attacking everyone around them with their judgments. When you make a statement about reality and you are wrong you are tempting fate. You are asking for a learning experience. It is a moral imperative that people that know better force you to learn that you are wrong when you are wrong. If not we see that stupider people have their way with the world and the world becomes an intolerable hell, which is what it is right now. 

In my opinion evil can be defined as ignorance that defends itself. Violent ignorance. It is odious even in a subtle form. Subtle violence accumulates, lack of appreciation, lack of understanding, lack of participation with the good. In EIHRT, even a non action is reprehensible if it results in a failure to succeed together, if the good is not actuated.

By Shivastus Solomonicus




The pain of absorbing the light comes from our clinging to the ego and that which is not true.  I have often observed that people will cling to incorrectness to the point of death, refusing to admit that they are wrong and refusing to change their behavior.  To suggest that the light is causing the pain is delusional and irrational.  The pain is cause by clinging to the errant and resisting the light. 

Wise men do not perceive wisdom as a foreign will.  They do not feel attacked by truth. They accept it as a long lost brother, they love it as they love themselves. 

Notice how Manjusri wields the sword of discernment with compassion.  Just as a surgeon is analytical and not emotional when cutting away the disease. The paradox of the messiah is that people do not know how to save themselves when they need to be saved. They need to be saved because they cling to delusion. The sword of discernment that is imprisoned in the stone of the body is the same sword that cast Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.  It was their failure at relationship that caste them out.  As long as people act like children and refuse to grow up they will continue experiencing pain. They will continue failing. They will not attain enlightenment.

By Shivastus Solomonicus

“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Hebrews 4 : 12



In the human body we have two agencies at work, anabolism and catabolism. Anabolism builds up. Catabolism tears down. Anabolism represents the feminine and catabolism the masculine. In their uncorrupted, aspects, in which they are not at war with one another, the feminine only builds or nurtures the good, and catabolism only destroys the bad. This is because they both recognize the authority of reason and they are working towards mutual fulfillment. 

The corrupt expression of the masculine and the feminine is when the female builds up or nurtures evil, and the masculine tears down the good. In the body we call this disease. We could describe the feminine as charity and mercy, but this nurturing energy feeds anything indiscriminately. It doesn’t care if you are a newborn baby or a blood born pathogen, it gives you as much support as you can take. Cancer is also an expression of things that are built up that are bad. If the mother allows her attentions to be controlled and her milk to be taken by whoever wants it she does worse than if she treated good and evil as equals because evil is more acquisitive and more aggressive. The mother needs to be discriminating in how she is nurturing, that she is not feeding or protecting mental and emotional diseases and evil processes. her unconsciousness and lack of discernment makes her an ally and resource for evil. 

The trick is to use a more complex form of nurturing that favors intelligence. Not like sugar which can be eaten by anything it needs to be a source of sustenance that is too difficult and untasteful for lazy, greedy, evil people to avail themselves of. And it needs to be dispensed consciously and with understanding.

By Shivastus Solomonicus