In EQUITY IN HUMAN RELATIONSHIP THEORY we examine processes created by people’s judgments. The way in which people make judgments. The fact that people make judgments means that they believe that judging is valid. Which means that if they judge it is okay to judge them and everybody judges. 

Interestingly, if one isn’t aware of the logical fallacies and how the brain works and how language works and human psychology and philosophy, one’s judgments are skewed. Their judgments come from the way they think the world works or how it should works. It is informed by their soul, I am not speaking spiritually, Aristotle said that the soul, “is in a way, phenomenon.” Which is to say the objects in the world that one is aware of. but since the mind is divorced from the world, and we know it is because we cannot move objects with our minds, the relationship between the objects is also a phenomenon and is informed by our soul. People’s judgments, however, do not take into consideration that their mind is not the world. People presuppose their own authority and correctness and judge what is good for others and what should make others happy. Their judgments always end in a desirable result for themselves, slanting the playing field in their favor.

Unfortunately, crazy people are still self interested. It seems counter-intuitive but the dumber a person is the more likely they are to be constantly attacking everyone around them with their judgments. When you make a statement about reality and you are wrong you are tempting fate. You are asking for a learning experience. It is a moral imperative that people that know better force you to learn that you are wrong when you are wrong. If not we see that stupider people have their way with the world and the world becomes an intolerable hell, which is what it is right now. 

In my opinion evil can be defined as ignorance that defends itself. Violent ignorance. It is odious even in a subtle form. Subtle violence accumulates, lack of appreciation, lack of understanding, lack of participation with the good. In EIHRT, even a non action is reprehensible if it results in a failure to succeed together, if the good is not actuated.

By Shivastus Solomonicus

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