John the Baptist Deconstructed by Rabbi Ba’al Shivah

Thought Uncommon


I don’t know if John the Baptist was a real person or not, but the story is too full of hidden symbolism not to be taken as an allegory.  Salome is amusing King Herod with a belly dancing strip tease which itself is full of hidden meaning.  The dance itself is a metaphor for Isis and Helena Petrovna Blavatsky named her book after this concept “Isis Unveiled”.  Seeing Isis unveiled is seeing nature in it’s stark reality.  During the dance the performer removes seven veils, the 3 primary and secondary colors and the last one, white.  These represent the veils of Maya, illusion. (let us not forget “Salome” means peace and is the female version of Solomon). 

One of the forms the Shechinah takes is the rainbow.

Shekinah, Shechinah, Shechina, or Schechinah (Hebrew: שכינה‎), is the English spelling of agrammatically feminine Hebrew name of God in Judaism. The original word…

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Shivastus on Cimera A


Baba, do you remember your past lives?  What was your last life like?

Well when you get to my level of soul attainment you only reincarnate to teach, or for revolution, or when there is something very rare that one has the opportunity of learning.  In my last life I was incarnated on Cimera A, there was an unpredictable event that was going to happen that would wipe out all life on that planet unless the course of the planets destiny was altered.  I was sent there to start a revolution against their decadent, materialistic, lifestyles.  I told them that if the Emerald Green Seal of Shamash appeared in the sky you would know that I had failed.   It was probably one of the worst incarnations for me, and not because of my lack of effort or lack of eloquence.

The people of Cimera A had gotten used to a life of ease and distraction.  Everything was a game for them, they didn’t take anything seriously.  An entire generation of wicked children sucked the resources out of the planet and distracted themselves with useless devices and shallow relationships.  There was no substance or meaning to anything.  Living on that planet was hell for me.  The people of Cimera A hated logic, reason, and wisdom, they were incapable of understanding, agreeing, or participating.  They couldn’t think for themselves.  The maternal structures of authority did all of their thinking for them.  They had no ability to reason for themselves and no incentive to do so.

The appointed time for the transition to the divergent time line came and went and not one single person had heeded the call.  The light was coming and the horn had been sounded.  Light is matter moving quickly and matter is light moving slowly.  When the time comes to speed up and raise the vibration that which is mired in matter is turned to ash by the light.  The light is gentle not wanting to destroy.  Light is shed in a gentle way on human creatures so that they can learn from it.  When they waste their lifetimes learning no wisdom the light comes and burns them all to ash.

I went deep into nirvakalpa samadhi.  For a month I sat in one place by a stream of fresh water eating next to nothing, drinking as little as possible.  A nearby star went supernova, and behold, the Emerald Green Seal of Shamash had appeared.  The people remembered my predictions then and they came to me in droves.  They tried to get me to reason with god, and change their fate, but it was already too late.  They whined and moaned and threw fits and made offerings doing anything they could to tantalize me or interest me or move me from my position.  But I would not be moved.  The provocative dancing of women didn’t interest me, the offers of sexual perversion did not interest me.  The tasty foods didn’t move me.  It was all for not.  We were out of time.  Then their wisest men tried to reason with me.  Wasn’t it my duty to argue with god on their behalf?  Without speaking I pointed my right hand towards the heavens and the heavens spoke.  “HE HAS FULFILLED HIS PURPOSE PERFECTLY, HE OWES ME NOTHING.”  Then they said to me, what would come of the earth?  Didn’t I owe the earth mother pardon, so that the planet could go on existing and life on the planet could continue?  Without uttering a word I touched the earth with my right hand and the earth mother spoke, “HE HAS NEVER SINNED AGAINST ME, HE OWES ME NOTHING.”  

The people whined and moaned not wanting to accept responsibility for the fact that they were completely responsible for their own wickedness.  All of their sins were on their own heads, and it had come time for them to pay the piper and their bank accounts were empty of wisdom.

It wasn’t known at that time, because supernovas were so rare that the gama radiation given off by the supernova has an effect on the behavior of all of the suns around it.  Changing their frequency, behavior, and the type of radiation that they give off.  Our sun became very erratic.  Sometimes very hot, sometimes very dim.  As if It was wrestling with the death of a sun.  Maybe suns have some internal dialogue with one another, some manner of relationship that is not directly apparent, a conversation that we are not privy to.  Our sun acted as though the sun that died was a very great guru and he the student.  Our sun was in mourning, beating it’s chest, and wailing. That entire planet was blown to dust, atomized, and that entire solar system was destroyed, with the exception of the sun, which reformed another solar system around itself eventually.  It was a relatively young star.  The souls that perished reincarnated in that new solar system, and from what I hear, they were a much wiser, much humbler people.  I guess some of them stepped foot on the path of soul perfection.  A few of those souls still incarnate with me in order to study with me.  You are one my son.  You were there with me.  Do you remember?



The Chimera (/kɨˈmɪərə/ or /kˈmɪərə/, also ChimaeraChimæraGreek: Χίμαιρα Chímaira) was, according to Greek mythology, a monstrous fire-breathing creature of Lycia in Asia Minor, composed of the parts of three animals — a lion, a snake and a goat. Usually depicted as a lion, with the head of a goat arising from its back, and a tail that ended in a snake’s head,[1] the Chimera was one of the offspring of Typhon and Echidna and a sibling of such monsters as Cerberus and the Lernaean Hydra.

The term chimera has come to describe any mythical or fictional animal with parts taken from various animals, or to describe anything perceived as wildly imaginative or implausible.


The Tantra of Relationship


The word “Tantra” according to Osho, means Technique, I am inclined to agree with him.  Similarly the word “te” in Chinese means essentially the same thing.  So then the question arises, “What is technique or technology?”


You can imagine my amazement as I was reading through the writings of baba Muktananda (my guru) before Gurumayi Chidvilasananda chose me for shaktipat initiation when I discovered that Muktananda, although he said he was teaching yoga was in reality teaching Tantra. Sure it is the yoking of oneself with God Self, the ego with super-ego, the deluded individual with reality, but he was teaching the science of relationship.  I remember Baba saying that when he was still a seeker he became interested in why some people were successful in the world while others decreased in stature and reputation.  I had this same question in my own relationships.  Every relationship I was in decreased, devalued, diminished and depreciated me and just as I went so went the relationship.  I tried to arrest this process over and over again, but I wasn’t the one starting the decline.  I was the one relating scientifically, while the other person was in relationship emotionally and egotistically. 


Now because we are studying relationship we have to understand how things are connected.  Is the relationship hinged on emotion and the whim of one person who is deluded and not in relationship with reality?  or is it hinged on reality, truth, analysis, and good results in the world?  Being a linguistic philosopher and a philologist as I am, I look at the roots of language to see how they were perceived and used by the people that brought them to us.  Which means that I go back through time and look at the “thought technology” of the people that created it and used it correctly.


law of common fate (shared fate) – a Gestalt principle of organization holding that aspects of perceptual field that move or function in a similar manner will be perceived as a unit.

It was in reading and studying all of this and compiling all of my investigations into taoist, hindu, christian, kabbalist, and sufi philosophies and combining them with my prodigious knowledge of philosophy, psychology, and science that I created shared state theory of communication and equity in human relationship theory, to bring those subjects into the modern age.  The Modern Science of Relationship for those that realize the current way in which we relate to one another is a failed model and getting worse every day.  


“Every event in the relationship characterizes the relationship.”  (my saying)  Every single thing that transpires in the relationship characterizes the relationship and informs the way one feels about the relationship.  Whereas I was constantly trying to have positive experiences in the relationship, scenarios that had value for both of us, my partners, having not intimate understanding of myself were trying to have experiences that had value for themselves.  They were unconscious in relationship and had no desire to understand me.  Now I am a very deep complicated person, but unlike most people I understand myself very, very, well.  I have spent all of my life crafting the person that I am right now.  I like myself.  I am a masterpiece.  I am not going to change myself for the worse and I am not going to compromise with failure.  I will not do something that I know won’t work.  What was fascinating is that I got so good at recognizing patterns that fail, which kept recurring in all of my relationships, that I could tell each time we did something that characterized the relationship badly.  and then I got even more sensitive and I could tell based on what the person said when something bad was going to happen.  and then I got eve more sensitive and I could tell from their facial expressions and body language, and then based entirely on empathy…

Ponder this, how is it that people know who you are, how valuable you are, and how to treat you?  It is based on how they see other people treating you.  This happens because of the mirror neuron and the acquisitive mimesis of human nature.  Monkey see monkey do.  So if people see you being treated well and being respected, they will do likewise assuming that you are a very important person to be respected.  If people see people listening to you and your influencing them and them changing their behavior at your behest, they copy that pattern.  If people see people being transformed by you and being happy with the results they copy that pattern.  

The problem was, for me, that nobody was on my level and nobody wanted to do the work necessary to get on my level.  It’s not easy stretching your mind so that you understand higher philosophy and are conversant in it and you can create your own philosophical and psychological systems and predict events in the world correctly based on them.  I was praying for all the wisdom of Solomon from the age of 12.  At the age of 16 I read and practiced every book on mnemonics I could find.  I studied exoteric and esoteric philosophical systems from all over the world and rationalized them with one another. 

Think about socially created incentives, the philosophies that I am familiar with and the terms that I toss about nonchalantly,  every time a person doesn’t understands me, or not knowing what I am talking about react adversely against me it creates a counter incentive to my using those terms and thinking those terms, which is not to say that I am wrong, just incapable of being understood.  it creates a counter incentive for me to continue thinking in those terms.  When people say to themselves, “that guy thinks he is smart, if I thwart him then I must be smarter than he is.”  and concealing their thought processes they attack, undermine, manipulate, or back stab, they create a counter incentive to everything that I have stretched myself to become.  Which is why I spend so much time talking to myself, because I understand me, and I know how important what I do is.  

Do you want to know why Jesus was an alcoholic?  It is because every day it was an effort for him to stay in this world.  Every single day he was surrounded by people that wanted to destroy him in every way possible because he was the death knell signaling the destruction of their deluded world view.  It was difficult even painful for a Soul as big as that of the Messiah’s to stay in this world on this plane, every day was a trial for him.  Trapped by the judgments of idiots on all sides. 



Stupid people don’t make fewer judgments than smart people, they make more judgments because the world in which they live is smaller and separate from the real world.  Stupidity and insanity are not less self interested than Reason, Wisdom, and Understanding, they are more self interested, more greedy.  They are full of pain and judgment and venom and they are looking for an opportunity to attack to unleash their venom on somebody that is not normal.  They think that they are morally superior because they can happily live inside the box.  And anybody that can’t live happily inside that box is a threat to their perception of reality, their gestalt.  




If you are in a relationship the most important perspective in that relationship should be that of the other person in the relationship with you.  On a ratio of about 50% to 50%  depending on who gets better results in the relationship and maximizing value for the relationship.  You should be authentic in the relationship especially if it is a rational relationship and strategic towards the world because the world is an irrational environment.  But we find that this is not how people are in relationship with one another.  In their reasoning, speech, and action the opposite is true.  If you examine the way in which they debate you hear them making all manner of logical fallacies to prove their own point correct and they never self falsify or try to prove themselves wrong.  They bias mine to prove themselves correct.  You have what is generally thought by society, the norm (which is not to say that it is correct) and you have the specific, which is people that you personally know and things that they say they have experienced, and then you have your personal experience.  Now you only truly know (if there is such a thing as knowing) what happens to you specifically, your personal experience. But what we see is that people pop and lock to prove whatever opinion they hold as correct.  Going outside the relationship to look for evidence.  Bringing people into the relationship to take their side.  Refusing to experiment and refusing to acknowledge when they are wrong or have gotten a bad result.  All resulting in failure, an undesirable result, or a normal predictable result but never allowing new patterns or new light to come into the world through relationship.  The ego, in relationship with itself through people prevents light from coming into the world.   Invalid processes in relationship prevent new patterns from emerging in the human consciousness.  

Tantra is a language spoken into the world through two bodies, working in tandem.  Through the auspices of Reason, Proper communication, Understanding, Agreement, and  Participation, the Quintessence of the Rational Relationship. These shallow, superficial, relationships in America…  they have perfected the relationship of no relationship.  Relationship is normative and predictable and their are no unique relationships and no spectacular individuals.  No new patterns.  Just old failing patterns and a predictable sequence of events.  Ships passing in the night.  Everybody wants to lead and nobody wants to follow, and their desire to lead is directly proportional to their inability to lead.  They think because they are incapable of leading they morally should be in charge.  People that have nothing to say never shut up and never listen and never catch any wisdom.  We are lead by our worser angels.  The stupidest among us so easily rise to the top.  Cream rises to the top, as does scum, but when you are making ghee and purifying gold you scrape off the dross that accumulates on the top.  





The Soul Father Sutra



1.  Baba, what is a soul?

2.  A soul is a valid philosophy attained through a lifetime of struggle and sacrifice.  It is self transformation based on wisdom gleaned from a such a life. A soul is the understanding of the world from the perspective of a wise, rational, man.  The philosophy embraces the world as it is, in its suchness.  3.  The soul of the philosopher king, is a reflection of the world, an accurate depiction of the world that incorporates data as to how one can be successful in the world while still being logical, rational, and as happy and harmless as possible. It is a science for living in the world and a technology informing the relationship between the philosopher and the people and things in the world.

4.  Master, then what is religion?

5.  The root word of religion is lig  as in ligash, ligature, lignan, it means “link”.  When two or more people adopt the same philosophy they become part of a philosophic family known as a philoish.  Religion is a relinking or reconnecting with one another and with the world.  The word has taken on the connotation of dogma.  Religion is supposed to connect one with reality, the present, and the world, not the past.  6.  When people use old religion created in an old world for an old world, they fail at relationship and at life like the people of old that used it and perished.  Fresh religion, new religion is based on survival in the future and quality of life and relationship now.  7. Why is it that people don’t think they have the right to create their own philosophies and religions anymore? Why are people unwilling to change for the people closest to themselves?  Why don’t people stay in relationship, work for the relationship?  Why do people not struggle for the relationship, sacrifice for it, suffer for it?  8. It is because of the structures of authority that have taken god out of them to do their thinking for them.  People have a guilty knowledge of their own lack of value.  They feel unworthy of doing their thinking for themselves and they assume that anybody near them must be equally worthless or else why would they be there with them.  9. And then they sit there not reasoning, not acting on their reason, not transforming or growing, waiting for a messiah to fix their problems for them.  They wait for the government, or the church, or a miracle, to fix all of their problems for them and increase their status in the world and their quality of life.  Things do not accidentally get better because evil is more self interested than reason, not less so.  10.  Having the same soul, the same religion, the same philosophy, they understand, agree, and participate to maximize value for the people they are in relationship with.  It is a meritocracy of reason and results.  A person’s status is based on their understanding of the philosophy and their ability to use it successfully.  True religion is revolutionary transforming the members through soul perfecting and the world through the patterns that are released by people staying in proper relationship with one another.  11.  Which is to why I say god only exists in proper, equal, relationship, and that relationship is equality under the authority of reason.  “Aequalitatus sub Ratio”  And god is a sense of self that transcends the individual.  It is a sense that one is more than the singular, finite, ego.  A sense that the universe is governed by reason.  

12.  Teacher, when we adopted your philosophy and perspective and took you as our sapiential authority, what is your relationship to us?

13.  Your mother and father are the creators of your body.  I taught you how to perfect the imperfections of the physical mind and body through my philosophy.  By my giving you my philosophy and you adopting it I became the Father of your soul because I created the soul philosophy.  Once you have a soul that informs your behavior you will never again suffer a lower birth.  You will always be born into a situation that allows you to continue working on perfecting your soul.  14. The growth of the soul is the death of the ego.  That is why it is so important to make sure that everything you are doing is done by your soul and not by the ego and that you are always learning from your results.  That which is not growing is already dead.  So if your soul is not growing, not being perfected, it is dead.  The world is full of lawless, godless, unreasoning, irrational, zombies that are trapped in a living death.  Don’t be like the dead, don’t be concerned with the dead, don’t be sympathetic with the dead or with death. 15. They are trapped in illusion.  Don’t compromise with death.  In truth, death is change, those that are afraid of death are unchanging, ungrowing, already dead.  They cling to the ego and the false sense of self, which is why they feel like they are dying when their illusions are removed.  You want to kill their ignorance but they cling to their ignorance loving the lie more than the truth.


The Dur Veda Tantra of Shivastus Solomonicus




1. Master of Meditation, what is the Nature of Ego that we might recognize it?

2.  The Ego is ignorance and emotional thinking.  Not knowing itself it hides from itself.  Disliking itself it defends itself and champions itself.  Attempting to escape itself it is confronted by itself but refuses to look at itself.  It imagines itself to be something other than it is.  It claims to be something it is not.  It is the absence of the presence of the True Self.  3.  Begging for Mercy and Charity it delays Understanding and Karma but refuses to stop acting for its benefit and in trying to benefit itself it harms everyone.  Lurking in the shadows it is envious of the light.  Thwarted by Reality it strikes out at the beings in the light, trying to pull them into darkness.  4.  It feels that if it can harm the creatures in the light it is superior to the Light.  If it can prevent light from entering the world it feels superior to God.  Feeling thwarted by Reality it wants to thwart the natural order.  It’s natural enemy is Wisdom and True Knowledge of One Self.  5.  It recognizes Reason as a foreign, hostile, will.  Wanting to perceive itself as the cause of all Good, it feels that everything it does is good because it is the one doing it.  The Dragon with 7 heads, and each head in a chakra, it offers false witness and false testimony and leads all astray.  6.  It forms toxic relationships through people, it is their worser angels, their addictions, their issues, their drama, their morbidity, their obsessions, their psychosis, their delusions, their illusions, their idols, their insecurities.  It conceals its true self, and misrepresents itself as an Angel of Light, of Mercy, of Charity, of Pleasantness.  7. It ferries them down the river of a living death bankrupt of understanding.  It is the Father of the Lie and the Master of Maya.  Claiming to be entirely Good, all it does is Evil and as time progresses the intensity and frequency of the Evil increases.  Spinner of pleasant stories and weaver of mindless distractions it ignores it’s results refusing to take responsibility for it’s own works.  It is incapable of self scrutiny, self control, self discipline.  8.  It is incapable of modifying its own behavior.  It is a thief, stealing sacrifices from God’s Alter and offering them instead to itself.



1.  Maha Jagad Guru, what is the nature of evil that we might defeat it?

2.  It can’t be defeated through force or negative emotion, because it doesn’t exist.  It wants to be the center of all attention any attention is good attention.  It wants to be in the middle of everything and make everything about itself and destroy anything that is not about itself in a good way.  3.  Only the light can stop it, the only thing that can touch it, the only thing that it is afraid of.  Only personal soul growth to make oneself full of light.  When one steps entirely into the light and refuses to go near the darkness, it can’t touch you, but it will attack the people that are partially in darkness that have affection for you in order to get back at you.  4.  It can’t exist in the light of Reason, Wisdom, Logic, Understanding, Responsibility.  It wants to maintain its possession and control of those that are in darkness, and it wants to expand its authority.  It is a Usurper of God, and a perverter of Justice and a corrupter of Virtue a twister of the truth.  5.  All Authority comes from God and the Ego tries to grab the reigns of Authority from God.  Clinging to the letter of the Law it ignores the Spirit of the Law.  Many Laws make it Powerful and increase its control over those that are slaves to Ego.

6.  The first rule of combat is “Never fight a battle on two fronts.”  But one must remain eternally vigilant to the machinations of the Ego both in oneself and in the world.  One must identify entirely with the Light, the Law, the Love, and the Life, the One True Self.  One must not feel sympathy or remorse for anyone that allows themselves to get pulled into darkness.  7.  Only through education and proper understanding of the One True Self can one defeat the Ego.  Through the path of Yoga, through the killing of delusion, becoming the Philosopher King, through the Perfecting of the Soul, the ego (jiva) ceases to exist (jivamukti).  There is no freedom as long as there is ignorance.  8. One must become the Slave of Reason for one cannot slave for two Masters and one must do so happily and urgently.  When one understands the imperfections of the Body, the distortions of the Mind, and that the eyes and ears are false witnesses.  When one realizes the imperfections of common reason and compensates for all of them, the Logical Fallacies, the Cognitive biases, then the Ego is slain.  But one must be constantly aware lest even one cell of Ignorance still remains for it will resurrect the whole Beast anew.



1. Teacher, what of Mercy?

2.  Mercy exists for those who have stepped foot on the Path and shouldered their Cross.  Their is no Forgiveness without Repentance.  The Law of the Universe is Zero Karma.  Only when one has attained to the Perfection of the Diamond Light (the vacuum of Outer Space)  has one attained to Gods Perfection.  If you create good Karma you will have to reincarnate to exhaust the good Karma, if you create Bad Karma the same is true.  3.  The Buddha/Krishna/Christ consciousness creates no Karma, good or bad and allows no Karma to be created with him.  If you miss a step with one of these they will let you know.  If you create Karma with one such as these they will act immediately to remove that Karma, so be very careful and very conscious in your actions with the Sad Guru.

4.  Much has been said of these Bodhisattvas, everybody who aspires to the smallest amount of spiritualism has the conceit that they are an old soul and that they are a Bodhisattva, when in actuality most of them are Dugpa’s and agents of the Ego.  Mercy exists for the Righteous, those that are learning, however slowly, from their mistakes and growing their soul.  5.  If you observe the Alchemical clues left in the statue of Themis you see that her Right Breast is exposed.  That means Mercy in its uncorrupt form for the Righteous.  It doesn’t mean the permanent postponement of Karma.  The True Bodhisattva and the True Guru will leave the relationship of the chela that is not Perfecting their Soul.  6.  The Dugpa  delays Understanding and, in service to the Ego so it can Thwart the light and Cosmic Justice and Usurp one’s Relationship with God and Reality.    Well it was said, “If God is angry with you the Guru can protect you but if the Guru is angry with you not even God will protect you.”  But that is only true of the Sad Guru.

7.  Likewise with Charity.  There MUST be an equivalent exchange in order for Karma not to be created.  You Imagine wrongly that Jesus would give people fishes instead of teaching them to fish.  You imagine wrongly that Ghandi would put money in a beggars cup.  The Immutable Law of the Universe is Equivalent Exchange for every action their is an equal an opposite reaction. 8.  For every action the Universe demands Understanding.  With Understanding their is no Karma.  The Universe doesn’t Reason, it cannot be negotiated with, it is a Machine created in order to Teach what God intended it to Teach.  If you are not growing in Accurate Knowledge of God you are not living up to your contract and their is no Mercy for you.  Mercy is not for the Sinister, the Left-Hand path it is only for the Righteous.


IV The Guru Principle

1.  Master, there are so many strange stories of Mystics, Siddhas, Tantrics, Gurus, Taoists, and they like doing strange things how did they not create Karma?

2.  Firstly, all things are allowable as long as one accepts the Karma, this is true for everybody.  One may act to experiment with one’s Karma and to learn from one’s Karma.  We are not born Perfectly Wise, we attain to Perfection.  3.  Secondly, concealed in the Law of the Universe is a Provision known as the Guru Principle.  After the Yogi the True Sadaka has made himself one with God, by Yoking himself to God, by slaying the Ego, he Dances Perfectly with God.  This is known as “Iccha shaktir uma kumari”.  His Actions are non-Actions because they create no Karma.  4.  This is a Mystery, people expect the personality of a Buddha, or a Christ to be the absence of all personality, when in fact the White Light is very abrasive and will burn up all impurity that it touches.  The Christ Light is the Source of all personality, not the absence of it.  5.  The Guru may do things to Teach the student.  He creates no Karma in doing so because he does it to remove the Karma from the Chela.  As long as one acts from Super-Ego, God Self, Shiva, he does not act, God Self acts through him.  Only if he falls into Ego and acts from their does he create Karma.


The Way of the Highest, Ineffable, Tao.


Original Photoshop by Joxua Luxor, Iconographic Art

Hello, Students of the Occult, this is Noah Socrates speaking to you from the Akashic Library via Aetheriphone.  The Master Teacher was versed in the lore and styles of Wisdom traditions from all over the world and throughout time.  In this fascinating piece he writes a short story about Lao Tzu adding to the Legacy of the man and in a way redefining it.  The typography of the story is amazing, the parable thought provoking, and the meaning very useful.  Please enjoy this Zen like prose…

from the Lingayat of Shivastus Solomonicus

One day Master Lao Tzu went into Nature in a contemplative state.  He asked Nature, “What is the secret to attaining the highest, perfect, Tao?”

The Mountain Goat approached and said, “You must climb very high to attain it.” 

The Snake said, “You must make yourself very humble to receive it.” 

The Rat said, “You must be very cunning to steal it.”

The Rabbit said, “You must eat very purely to be worthy of it.” 

The Ox said, “You must be very strong to handle it.” 

The Horse said, “You must constantly challenge yourself to improve to catch up to it.” 

The Pig said, “You can do anything you want as long as you don’t offend social taboos.” 

The Rooster said, “You must be very punctual and one day it will appear.” 

The Dog said, “It is earned through unfailing loyalty to one’s master.” 

The Tigress said, “You must be prepared to fight furiously to seize it.” 

But the Dragon did not appear…

Lao Tzu waited in silence for the Dragon to show himself but it didn not.  He listened intently and couldn’t hear it.  He looked hard and he couldn’t glimpse it.  Finally gathering himself in stillness he entered the deep silence once there he imagined the Heavenly Dragon before himself.  “Grand Spirit Dragon,”  he queried, “What is the way of the Highest, Perfect, Tao?”

“There is no secret.  Sacred is that which you make sacred.  Powerful is that which you conceal.  Conceal that which you value most.  Conceal it in a revealed way, and reveal it in a concealed way.  The Tao is Everything is everywhere all of the time, imagined, existent, and non-existent.  Secret is that which cannot be comprehended.  Sacred is that which is treated accordingly.  Everything by itself is a lie because it is not the whole Tao, it is only a portion of the Tao.  This is why the highest Tao can not be spoken.

In order to speak the Highest Tao one would have to say everything in a single instant, in a single sound, in a single word, god sword, uni verse.  In doing so one would create an entire universe, a whole new whirled.  An impossibility, which is why Silence is used for speaking the Highest Tao because no thing-ness is all potentiality, which is why it is said, ‘Those that know do not speak and those that speak do not know.’  The Perfect Tao can be approached but it can never be attained unless you become everything.”

“Thank you Heavenly Dragon.”  Lao Tzu appreciatively bowed and the Celestial Dragon faded from his imagination.  He carefully arose because he was stiff and sore from the long meditation.  Now he was ready for a nice cup of tea before he went back to his necessary duties.  He needed water for dinner and fire wood for warmth…



Infernal Machine (poem)

Thought Uncommon


From the Lingayat of Shivastus Solomonicus

The Abyss Hath stared back into me.  Like Oedipus I want to pluck my eyes from my skull, never to see again.  I have seen inside this infernal machine, I understand its diabolical machinations.  I know its design, its function, its purpose.

The Cross that I bare, The burden of understanding, The guilt of this Forbidden Knowledge.  Knowing is a crime, comprehending the insanity, I cannot tell the cogs and if I did they couldn’t understand and wouldn’t believe me.  The scope is too grand, the unmasking of the Architect whose hidden hand contrived this Master Plan.

The madness of the Human Condition is infuriating, to know the future and not be able to affect it, to change it.  To see the conclusion and be impotent to avoid it.  To undo the error of the beginning.  The nature of this Juggernaut itself must change…

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