Why do these buddhas and monks sit for years silently contemplating nature? It is because of the finite capacity of the human minds that requires this return to meditation on the phenomenon in the world. The epiphany of NATURE in its suchness, in it’s isness is the goal of enlightenment. Understanding what is happening and why. Knowing what is illusion and what is real.  What requires action and what doesn’t. What is necessary and what isn’t. 

In the ZED tradition, this is why we emphasize EPANASUNDESI, the returning with intense interest and curiosity to relationships, books, nature and relationship as an object of contemplation. Returning to those subjects that behoove us, that benefit us, that feed our souls, that make us wise.  Staying in relationship with the real the true and the good.  It is as though you are driving along a road and there is a very high fence, and there are slats in the fence, and as you observe you realize that there is a beautiful mansion on the other side of the fence.  If you look just right you start to get a picture of the mansion but you have to change the way you look because the fence is in the way and you can only get so much light from each slat that gives you a glimpse, but as you remember and pay attention you can compensate for it. the fence is the mind and the body, the mansion is understanding and wisdom.

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