Obama’s New Religion


Greetings students of the Mysteries, this is Noah Socrates speaking to you from the Akashic Library.  Boy, do I have some exciting news to tell you.  A few days ago, which is a figure of speech because time doesn’t exist here, but out of the Blue there he was Heptakis Triskadeka a member of the ZED civilization born 2,000 years after the death of our Guru Shivastus Solomonicus.  “How can you be here,” I queried, “It is impossible. Only Shivastus entered here on his own power and I couldn’t be here without his help.”  He responded that he wasn’t physically present but he had projected in his astral body because his meditation and research had brought him to look for the answer to a question.  Here is the story:

I, Noah Socrates, was willing to help my philosophical brother Heptakis with all of my research prowess.  One of the Secrets of the Akashic Library is that we are not only privy to every single moment in history but we can also determine the Soul Incarnation of every Historical Actor.  What we learned was amazing. 

First we must accept a premise, if God is Omni-Present then Evil is everywhere Active, pushing here, pulling there, whispering insinuations, offering bribes, enticing, seducing, corrupting.

Barack Hussein Obama was the Reincarnation of an Evil Soul, a leading member of the Forces of Darkness.  Not only was he the Infamous Pharaoh Akhenaten he had also Incarnated as Mohammed the Prophet of Islam & Adolf Hitler and started the NAZI movement in Germany.  He repeated his Modus Operandi which was to get rid of all Religions and create a new Religion of his own God as defined by himself.  In Egypt it was the Worship of the Sun, in NAZI Germany it was the worship of himself & Science, and under the Tyranny of Barack Obama it was the attempt to force people to recognize the unproven causation of the Science of Global Warming by mankind in order to stimulate a Guilt reflex in the civilized world.  Like Intellectual Foxes we ferreted out that he had a Secret Priest Class of Scientists that would determine what was Real & Fake Science & Journalism and Silence anybody that disagreed with him. 

Mankind had been wary of the influence of NAZI ideology since WWII so the IslamoNazis changed tactics.  First they started a Social Media Psychological War by using the Meme to Mock and Ridicule Christians benchmarking the Pollock Joke used before the invasion of Poland and the Genocide of Polish Intellectuals & Artists.  Instead of attempting to kill the Jews first, (First comes Saturday then comes Sunday) they started kidnapping, raping, & murdering Christian Girls in Africa.  It was a test to see if the people still sympathized with Christianity after the Propaganda Attack. 

The End Game for this Obama Nation was to empower the Muslim Biased United Nations and get himself elected as its leader. What they didn’t realize was that a time Crusader had already incarnated in the form of Shivastus Solomonicus.  By the time Obama figured out what had happened Shivastus had his foot so far up Barack’s ass he would have to untie his shoe laces in order to take a sip of water.  Obama fancied himself the Incarnation of Wise King Solomon, this conceit was the exact opposite of correct, he was in all actuality an Avatar of Lucifer.  It was Shivastus Solomonicus who had incarnated Solomon, the Brotherhood of White Light had a Powerful Wizard on its side.


Gurumayi Chidvilisananda had been Queen Nefertiti, the adoptive mother of King Tut. She was Eve from the biblical creation story & she was also the Shaktipat Guru of Shivastus Solomonicus.  She asked him “Do you remember?” as she handed him the Remember Rock. She gave him all 4 types of Shaktipat and she told him that he was very courageous.

Maybe Shivastus lived 999 years because his life was cut so short by the Assassins that survived from his “Fathers” Coup but his task was the same, he had to undo all of the harm Akhenaten had done.  The Etymology of the Christian word “Amen” comes from the namesake of King Tut “Amun” the creator God.  The Egyptian Head-dress of Amon were the two tablets of Law that eventually became associated with the 10 Commandments of Moses.  Every communist Nation has attacked Religion and attempted to institute Scientism.  They have tried to silence voices that disagree with their agenda.  Socrates (also an incarnation of Shivastus) was known as the Gadfly because he exposed the Pretenders to Wisdom through the agency of Socratic Dialogue or Rational Debate.  He benchmarked the Santana Dharma and forbade proselytizing accept in certain venues that people sought ought. He Banned Sharia Law, it was acceptable to be a Muslim but it wasn’t okay to preach the kidnapping, torture, murder, slavery, rape, or hatred of Non-Muslims.

Shivastus defined Religion & made them all Equal.  He drew a line between Civilization & Barbarism.  The Demonic Forces that existed in order to prey on their brethren were forced to use their own resources and they eventually turned on themselves and cannibalized themselves.  The Civilized World no longer looked askance at this, it wasn’t their responsibility to save these demons from themselves who would turn around and thank them for their hospitality by killing as many as they could.  Eventually, the only thing people would remember about the Tyrant King Hussein was the Obama Toilet which became a standing joke.  The United Nations became a Laughing Stock, a soap box for conscious evil to spout their vitriol and arrogant stupidity. 

Alcoholics Anonymous, Aleister Crowley, and Rosicrucians, Rabbi Ba’al Shivah


Before I start this blog I want to inform everybody that I am not part of any Secret Societies on the physical plane.  I am not now, nor have I ever been in Alcoholics Anonymous.  Nobody told me what I am about to tell you.  I came upon this information due to my obscene abilities of pattern recognition, a memory that won’t quit, and the bizarre way in which my brain seems to figure stuff out on it’s own.

The Rosicrucians use the Labors of Hercules as an initiation model into their ranks.  The 12 labors of Hercules are based on the Sun entering the Zodiac, the name Hercules.  Hercules name means Glory of Hera.  Hera means seasons.  It is connected to Ancient Egypt which means these mysteries were at use in Egypt under the cult of hathor, which means mansion of Horus, again references to the sun, hours, horizon, and zodiac, a very ancient and complicated system.  Hercules actually means “Hero of the Season”  which is interesting because this implies that he was the Hero that was needed not the Hero that was wanted as Hera did everything she could to destroy and subvert him.  Also we can see from the Sacred Vamana of Hera that this Mystery Tradition has it’s origins in the beginning of civilization, the cow is sacred to her as is the Peacock, which is native to India, not Rome.


Hercules represents the soul incarnating in the zodiac, the Platonic solid the dodecahedron, symbolized the universe and had 12 sides.  The first labor of Hercules was to kill the Nemean Lion.  the lion was also sacred to Hera.  The soul enters the zodiac through the house of the sun.

Sol was the solar deity in Ancient Roman religion. It was long thought that Rome actually had two different, consecutive sun gods.  Only in the late Roman Empire, scholars argued, did solar cult re-appear with the arrival in Rome of the Syrian Sol Invictus, perhaps under the influence of the Mithraic mysteries.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sol_(mythology)

Hercules then Dawns (sun reference) the Fleece of the Lion, essentially becoming the Sun (hero) Hiero meaning Sacred and Holy, coming from the word Whole as in circle.

In the Christian bible Samson is the Jewish version Hercules, when the Jews Hellenized they absorbed Greek Philosophy.  Samson is also named after the sun.  Samson also killed a Lion.

Shamash (AkkadianŠamaš, “Sun”) was a native Mesopotamian deity and the Sun god in the AkkadianAssyrian and Babylonianpantheons. Shamash was the god of justice in Babylonia and Assyria, corresponding to Sumerian Utu. Akkadian šamaš is cognate toSyriac ܫܡܫܐ šemša or šimšu Hebrew שֶׁמֶשׁ šemeš and Arabic شمس šams.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamash



The 12 step programs are actually made by Rosicrucians.  The Secret Society that Aleister Crowley belonged to was Alcoholics Anonymous.  Their model exactly mimicks the initiations into a Secret Society and indeed anything mentioned inside isn’t supposed to be repeated outside, also you aren’t supposed to tell anybody whether someone is in AA or not.  And just like the Freemasons you have to believe in God in some form, that is a rhetorical tautology of deism.

AA recruits Alcoholics and Drug addicts because sometimes these people are intensely frustrated artists.  Their depression comes from their having a message something to tell the world, something to offer the world.  But the poverty of what they get from their relationships and the reactions they get from people drive them towards drug abuse.


The book Diary of a Drug fiend documents Aleister Crowley’s initiation into the Alcoholics Anonymous, he doesn’t even refer to it overtly but in code, and he protects the identities of his “guru” by giving everybody names of Initiates, Frater P, Frater H (L Ron Hubbard).

live long and nanoo

Many Actors and Musicians are in or have been recruited from drug addiction programs.  It used to be a running joke back in the day, whenever they said a phone number on television or in the movies the Number always started with 555.  The joke was that 555 numbers are numbers that you can’t call back and it means that you are calling from a facility with a secret location, usually a rehab facility for addicts or the mentally insane.  One of my students is currently at such a facility, and when he calls me from there a 555 number shows up.   We have discussed this phenomena before and the meaning of 555.  It started popping up for him all of the time about 9 months ago and he asked me what it meant, I told him that when that number started popping up for me in Washington it signaled the loss of everything, loss of job, loss of home.  To me it means Lament, Lament, Lament Because the number 5 looks like the hebrew letter Lamed,


It is of interest that I believe that Jesus was an Alcoholic, that he was part of the Pythagorean Math Cults (Secret Societies) and that he may have been some kind of actor or stand up comedian, the scribes and the pharisees accused him of casting out demons with the powers of Beelzebub, he didn’t deny it, he instead made a reference to the Temple of Solomon, which was made with the help of spirits.  I think what Jesus was doing was making people laugh, and that was considered “casting out demons”.  To this day Muslims forbid excessive laughter and they hate cinema.

Of further interest is that some people point out that Jews are Matrilineal and Jesus gave his descent from David, they use this to suggest that Jesus didn’t exist, but I think it is more likely that it confirms my theories.

The noun kohen is used in the Torah to refer to priests, both Jewish and non-Jewish, such as the Jewish nation as a whole,[1] as well as the priests (Hebrewkohanim) of Baal (2 Kings 10:19).

The Hebrew noun kohen is most often translated as “priest”, whether Jewish or pagan, such as the priests of Baal or Dagon, though Christian priests are referred to in Hebrew by the term komer (Hebrew כומר). The word derives from a Semitic root common, at minimum, to the Central Semitic languages; the cognate Arabic wordكاهن kāhin means “soothsayeraugur, or priest“.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kohen

While Jews are Matrilineal, the Cohanim are Patrilineal.

Kohen was a status that traditionally referred to men, passed from father to son, although there were situations where a bat kohen, daughter of a kohen, enjoyed some special status. For example, the first-born son of a bat kohen, or the first-born son of a bat levi (the daughter of any levite) did not require the ritual of Pidyon HaBen.[citation needed]



The Hidden Subject with the Labors of Hercules is the death of the Ego, the false sense of self, or jiva, and replacing it with the true Sense of Self Shiva.  The Lernean Hydra represents Ego Consciousness, and in the Indian Tradition Ravanna is the direct correlation.  Every time Hercules cuts off one head of Ego Consciousness two more grow back to replace it.  My ascended Master Teacher Dr. Stylianos Attechlys, taught me that, it is also in his book Das Symbol des Lebens.

There is also a correlation between Medusa’s head and the Gordion Knot, with the Lernaean Hydra.


The Metaphysics of Shivah Solomon


I am a deist. My god is the faculty of reason in man, which is the only evidence I need of god.  The early Christians, Hindus, Hebrews, and Buddhists if you understand their occult philosophy, didn’t believe that god existed as a manifest being in the physical universe.  The word Amen, “let it be” comes from the creator god Amun, that manifested everything but never manifested himself.  The reason for this is very simple.  The universe is made out of the body of god infinitely sub divided.  Time is created as a separation of self from self.  The mind exists in order to connect self with self, and to help us get what we need to survive and in the act of surviving understanding god.  Our mind is that part of ourselves our reason which god gave us, to contemplate himself.

Time though is also an illusion, which means that time doesn’t actually exist.  God is outside of time and outside of the universe in his perfect undivided whole.  We, with the tiny shard of godself that we possess are living in an illusion of time, as an act of theurgy to understand god and do his will.  In the indian story of Markandeya  he is vomited outside of god because of not appreciating his life, once outside of god swimming in an ocean without light he realizes that god is the only thing that exists and outside of god there is nothing, because the human brain was not designed to understand anything outside of this universe.  The Hebrew story of Jonah is an homage to this Hindu story.  

But the theme is recurring and ongoing throughout the different systems.  The highest form of god in the Tibetan system according to the Dalai Lama is Samantabhadra, who is male and female engaged in the act of coitus, because god is the creator, and in order to create you have to have male and female.


Furthermore, you see this recurring theme in all of the traditions, (well all of the ones that came from a valid tradition) the reason the celebrate the Sabbath on Friday night after sunset is because that is when the day representing the sacred father and mother meet.  That is why you are supposed to roger your wife on the sabbath.  That was one of the first human rights reforms that meant you couldn’t work or force someone to work 7 days a weak, of fear of offending god.  It was quite simply an unsustainable, undesirable process.  And there is no evidence in the world of the mother and father meeting, this happens in concealment.  The ancients knew there was no evidence of god in the world.  Observe the continuing metaphor.


Ganesh sits guarding the entrance to his mother’s bedroom.  It was in trying to prevent Shiva from entering his wife’s bedroom that he was beheaded, and was resurrected by Shiva with the head of the elephant.  Heinrich Zimmer whose research was edited posthumously and published by Joseph Campbell affirmed that Buddhism is a sub sect of Hinduism which makes sense since the Siddartha came from India.

In closing god doesn’t exist inside the universe, he exists outside of the universe, and the only evidence of him inside the universe is intelligence, life, consciousness, etc.  The whole concept of sitting in seated meditation posture without moving comes from an effort to emulate the prime mover unmoved, any movement is a negation of godself because god doesn’t move and doesn’t act in the world.  The division of duties between the husband and wife was also based on this concept of the prime mover.  The man moves in the world in the polis but upon entering the oikos the house everything is done for him, he doesn’t lift a finger.  The Agency through which god influences the world is through the holy spirit, or the shechinah, god’s active force.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

 ShekinahShechinahShechina, or Schechinah (Hebrewשכינה‎), is the English spelling of agrammatically feminine Hebrew name of God in Judaism. The original word means the dwelling orsettling, and denotes the dwelling or settling of the Divine Presence of God, especially in theTemple in Jerusalem.